- introspection ft. harsehaj
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- course registration hell
course registration hell
back to reality 💻
welcome to introspection ft. harsehaj! ⭐️ i’m harsehaj, a 19 y/o always up to something in social good x tech.
this publication is a place for me to reflect on productivity, health and tech, and drop unique opportunities in the space right to your inbox daily. if you’re new here, sign up to tune in! 💌
scroll to the end for my daily roundup on unique opportunities!
onto today’s topic: course registration hell 💻️
my course registration is tomorrow and i’ve prepared all i possibly can. 🫡
i was able to delay this college experience for 12 months by taking a year to do a few internships and traveling but now reality is starting to sink in.
do i feel unsure? yeah, for sure. do i feel mostly excited? absolutely.
i forgot how monotonously satisfying anything related to school is. this year was wild and unpredictable, and i thoroughly enjoyed it. school, however, is pretty repetitive and boring. that repetition is exactly what leaves enough fuel for me to go out and meet countless new people, get back on my project grind, and do more while still having some semblance of security at its foundation. 🌱
i’ve joined the development committee for hack nc so i’m looking forward to organizing unc’s largest hackathon. i’ve already nailed in something to break out of that monotonous cycle. ;)
i’m pretty excited for school.
let’s see if i feel the same way at the end of course registration tomorrow.
i can’t say i’ve spent countless hours looking through rate my prof and making 5-6 backup plans for my fall schedule because that would be a lie. i spent maybe 2 hours tops, but i was meticulous about it. 🔎 i wrote out the highest priority courses i needed to fill my major pre-requisites, looked over different section timings and cross referenced them with professor ratings, and managed overlap with the 3 courses i’m already preregistered for.
once i crafted my ideal schedule, i avoided getting emotionally attached to it and started looking into alternatives that would still fulfill certain requirements and came up with plan b, c.1, c.2, d, etc… 😭
it was like i had a huge fbi map with pins and photos on a bulletin board in my head.
hopefully it won’t be hell, pray for me! i’ll probably add a brief note on how it went in tomorrow’s post LOL.