- introspection ft. harsehaj
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- perspective shift on tourists
perspective shift on tourists
a small dose of positivity ✈️
welcome to introspection ft. harsehaj! ⭐️ i’m harsehaj, and always up to something in social good x tech.
this publication is a place for me to reflect on productivity, health and tech, and drop unique opportunities in the space right to your inbox daily. if you’re new here, sign up to tune in!💌
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onto today’s topic: perspective shift on tourists ✈️
it’s really easy to get peeved by crowds of tourists in the cities we were brought up in. i’m quite certain that part of this irritation is derived in a sense of superiority — the fact that we’re locals and extremely proud of it. it’s fine to be proud of our cities, but it’s privileged to a fault to ridicule others for wanting a glimpse of it too.
of course, there is a problem of over-tourism in many countries, and it’s important to be mindful of how to genuinely support the local economy in the places you’re traveling to; however, i’m trying to draw from examples where i’ve seen tourists be despised in places like toronto and nyc — the big cities.
it’s honestly a kind of funny to see tiktoks and overhear conversations along the lines of “god, the tourists are crowding up the city” when the person talking has likely only been living there for a few years themselves. 😭
why put down people that have worked tirelessly and perhaps saved for months just to momentarily experience the same sights and food you take for granted every single day?
while it’s true that some tourists are privileged and it’s as easy as booking a flight literally at the airport whenever they want, but it’s so simple to just shift your perspective to be a little more positive if you allow more compassion to seep into your worldview. choose compassion over complaining, especially when it really is something so minuscule in the grand scheme of the world — like a family taking an extra 10 seconds in front of the empire state building for a few photos. 📸
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