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synchron 🧠
welcome to introspection ft. harsehaj! ⭐️ i’m harsehaj, a 19 y/o always up to something in social good x tech.
this publication is a place for me to reflect on productivity, health and tech, and drop unique opportunities in the space right to your inbox daily. if you’re new here, sign up to tune in!💌
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onto today’s topic: synchron 🧠
think: mind control.
synchron is a brain-computer interface (bci) hardware startup that is getting pretty close to achieving this sci-fi-esque concept. essentially, they’re developing minimally invasive neural interface technology to enable people with severe paralysis to control devices directly with their thoughts. their interactive website does a really great job explaining the scientific challenge synchron is tackling in simple terms.
although it’s minimally invasive, anything surrounding brain implants pose heavy security/ethical concerns which is why rollout for synchron’s technology is slow and currently undergoing clinical trialing.
let’s talk numbers! 🤓
globally, ~5 million individuals are unable to use their hands to control digital devices, which sets a significant initial market for the technology. additionally, the bci market is projected to grow at a cagr of 17.8%, reaching $6.2 billion by 2030 (source).
although i wasn’t able to find any quantitative data on synchron’s success, patients in trials have successfully controlled tools like smartphones and smart home systems, translating thought into action without the need for open-brain surgery (source).
questions i’d be interested to ask:
what has initial response been like from patients with als, stroke, spinal cord injuries etc. been?
what are next steps for commercialization?
how do you differentiate yourself from neuralink’s technology?